Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hitting the target outside the box

The competition in the flashlight industry has gotten increasingly stiff in the last ten years. Technology that has revolutionized handheld light has pressured those in the business to adapt or languish. Because things change quickly and the pressure to acquire or maintain market share is so great, novel and unpatented ideas often exist for a single generation before they get pilfered and incorporated into the product lines of the competition. As such the collective market seems to give an impression of homogeneity. The smaller companies tend to mimic the ones on the cutting edge. Now I know you're saying "Hey... there ARE only a limited number of ways to build a flashlight". Well, that's true, but sometimes it takes someone living outside of the box to come up and stick with something totally different. Flashlights as it turns out, don't all need to be made of aircraft aluminum with mil-spec coating. Safe-Light has known that since the beginning of commercial market LED history.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The BOTTLE of the bomb squad

Over the last few years stainless steel water bottles have overrun the world. Propelled in part by fears of the carcinogenic BPA found in some polycarbonate bottles and growing global interest in environmental sustainability, steel water bottle sales have swollen like a gameday blimp. It would seem that endcaps in retail outlets everywhere are dedicated to the latest cylindrical canisters to roll off China’s most prolific manufacturing lines, most complete with some catchy contemporary design or catch phrase emblazoned across their face. The majority come complete with disclaimer labels or fortune cookie-like notes inside that warn of problematic issues arising from use with warm liquids or… heaven forbid… a trip into a dishwasher. As it turns out, there are stainless steel water bottles and then there are stainless steel water bottles.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Into the Maelstrom... again

Today is a good GREAT day. After a several year-long stream of innovative product launches that had flashaholics staggering around with wallets and spouses ablaze, 4Sevens released today something of which the masses have been daydreaming since the product was first given a prototypical face at Shot Show in 2010. That “something” is the Maelstrom S12. It is by all accounts the smallest SST-90 adorned flashlight in the world. It’s a tad shorter than a Sharpie®, as big around at the business end as a golf ball, and bright as heck.